December 2012 exports fell 17.93 percent in South Kalimantan, and imports were up 5.23 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanah Bumbu Regency

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December 2012 exports fell 17.93 percent in South Kalimantan, and imports were up 5.23 percent

December 2012 exports fell 17.93 percent in South Kalimantan, and imports were up 5.23 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 4, 2013
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South Kalimantan export value in December 2012 was U.S. $ 733.40 million, down 17.93 percent compared to exports in November 2012, which reached U.S. $ 893.67 million, down 29.96 percent compared with the value of exports in December 2011 were only U.S. $ 1.05 billion.


The main contributor to the largest export commodity in South Kalimantan in December 2012 based on the code of the Harmonized System (HS) is a two digit commodity group mineral fuels (HS 27) with a value of U.S. $ 657.26 million, the goods fats & oils animal / vegetable (HS 15) with value of U.S. $ 42.91 million and the wood and products of wood (HS 44) with a value of U.S. $ 16.57 million.


The main countries of export destination in South Kalimantan in December 2012 was to China with U.S. $ 202.60 million, India with U.S. $ 192.34 million, and Japan with U.S. $ 141.83 million.


During the year 2012 the export value reached U.S. South Kalimantan $ 9.61 billion, down 1.01 percent compared to the value of exports in 2011 reached U.S. $ 9.71 billion.



The value of imports of South Kalimantan in December 2012 amounted to U.S. $ 327.59 million, up 5.23 percent compared to the value of imports in November 2012, which reached U.S. $ 311.32 million, while the value of imports compared to December 2011 decreased by 25, 40 percent of the time it was valued at U.S. $ 439.11 million.


The main commodities imported biggest South Kalimantan in December 2012 based on the code of the Harmonized System (HS) 2 digit commodity group consists of mineral fuels (HS 27) with a value of U.S. $ 294.60 million, a group of ships (HS 89) with a value of U.S. $ 16.21 million and the mechanical mesin-mesin/peralatan goods (HS 84) with a value of U.S. $ 9.71 million.


State of South Kalimantan supplier of imported products in December 2012 is the largest in South Korea with U.S. $ 182.32 million, Singapore with U.S. $ 75.00 million and Malaysia with U.S. $ 39.55 million.


During the year 2012 the value of imports of South Kalimantan reached U.S. $ 3.51 billion, up 5.33 percent compared to the year 2011 which only reached U.S. $ 3.33 billion.
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