Production of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industries (q-to-q) Kalsel first quarter of 2013 fell -1.58% compared to the fourth quarter of 2012 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanah Bumbu Regency

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Production of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industries (q-to-q) Kalsel first quarter of 2013 fell -1.58% compared to the fourth quarter of 2012

Production of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industries (q-to-q) Kalsel first quarter of 2013 fell -1.58% compared to the fourth quarter of 2012Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 1, 2013
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Production of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industries (q-to-q) South Kalimantan province in the first quarter of 2013 decreased by -1.58 percent compared to industrial production in the fourth quarter of 2012.

Production of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry (y-on-y) South Kalimantan province in the first quarter of 2013 grew by 3.52 percent compared to the first quarter of industrial output in 2012.

    Production of Micro and Small Manufacturing Industry (q-to-q) South Kalimantan province in the first quarter of 2013 decreased by -5.46 percent over the fourth quarter industrial production in 2012.

    Production of Micro and Small Manufacturing Industry (y-on-y) South Kalimantan province in the first quarter of 2013 decreased by -4.70 percent over the first quarter of industrial output in 2012.
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