May 2013 the city of Banjarmasin deflation of 0.64 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanah Bumbu Regency

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May 2013 the city of Banjarmasin deflation of 0.64 percent

May 2013 the city of Banjarmasin deflation of 0.64 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 3, 2013
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In May 2013 the city of Banjarmasin deflation of 0.64 percent. From 66 cities in Indonesia, recorded 43 cities experiencing deflation, while 23 other cities experiencing inflation. Deflation occurred in Mataram by 1.03 percent and the lowest deflation occurred in the city of New Week by 0.01 percent, while the highest inflation in Ambon by 2.25 percent and the lowest occurred in the city of Bogor by 0.01 percent.

Banjarmasin deflation due to falling prices indicated by the fall in the index in foodstuffs of 1.95 percent, housing, water, electricity, gas, fuel fell by 0.19 percent, clothing fell by 1.52 percent, education, recreation and sport fell by 0.03 per cent and in the transport, communications and financial services fell by 0.15 percent. Meanwhile, processed foods, beverages, and tobacco products rose by 0.29 per cent and health group rose by 0.05 percent.

Ten primary commodities that drive deflation is cork, red onion, garlic, gold jewelry, household fuel, wet shrimp, catfish, white cabbage / cabbage, tomatoes, gasoline.

Ten major commodities that lead to inflation is chicken, trevally, electricity tariff, bloated / puffy, kite, apple, clove cigarette filter, machete pumpkin / sweet / red, banana, salad.

According to its components, the goods whose prices are influenced by government policy (administered goods inflation) in general deflation of 0.16 percent, the price is volatile (volatile goods inflation) deflation of 1.62 percent and core components (core inflation) deflation by 0.31 percent.

Inflation rate of calendar year (January to May) in 2013 amounted to 1.15 percent, while the rate of inflation "year on year" (May 2013 to May 2012) of 4.93 percent.
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