South Kalimantan economy in the third quarter of 2013 grew by 6.17% (q to q) compared to the previous quarter - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanah Bumbu Regency

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South Kalimantan economy in the third quarter of 2013 grew by 6.17% (q to q) compared to the previous quarter

South Kalimantan economy in the third quarter of 2013 grew by 6.17% (q to q) compared to the previous quarterDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 6, 2013
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In general, economic growth in South Kalimantan third quarter 2013 slowdown . The biggest contribution of the slower growth is the effect of the decline in the growth of the mining sector . Other factors that also affect the economy is the rise in fuel prices which impact on the transport sector , construction and trade, hotels & restaurants .
South Kalimantan economy in the third quarter of 2013 grew by 6.17% ( qtoq ) compared to the previous quarter and compared to the same quarter of last year grew 5.04 % ( y -on - y ) . Magnitude of GDP at current prices in the third quarter of 2013 reached Rp 22.49 trillion , equivalent to Rp . 9.75 billion if calculated on the basis of constant prices in 2000 . Cumulatively , through the third quarter of 2013, the economy of South Kalimantan grew by 5.27 % over the same period last year ( c to c ) .

The three sectors that experienced the highest growth ( qtoq ) is 15.74 % agriculture , trade, hotels and restaurants sector, 6.00 % and 5.95 % transport and communications . As for growth ( y -on - y ) is the financial sector , leasing and business services 10.92 % , service sector 9.53 % and 8.73 % in the construction sector .

Structure of the economy this quarter is dominated by agriculture , mining and trade, hotel and restaurant , respectively contributed 22.64 % , 20.86 % , and 16.34 % .

From the demand side ( demmand side) , South Kalimantan's economy is still positive growth due to a boost in domestic demand , especially household consumption .

Somewhat different pattern of absorption in the third quarter compared to the third quarter of 2013 and 2012, where the 13th payroll in 2013 was realized in the third quarter so that y on y growth in government consumption is relatively high .

Export performance experienced negative growth in the previous quarter mainly on coal commodities
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