Labor Force Participation Rate ( LFPR ) in South Kalimantan state in August 2013 amounted to 69.08 per cent . - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanah Bumbu Regency

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Labor Force Participation Rate ( LFPR ) in South Kalimantan state in August 2013 amounted to 69.08 per cent .

Labor Force Participation Rate ( LFPR ) in South Kalimantan state in August 2013 amounted to 69.08 per cent .Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 6, 2013
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Labor Force Participation Rate ( LFPR ) in South Kalimantan state in August 2013 amounted to 69.08 per cent . Decreased by 2.84 percent compared to August 2012, which amounted to 71.93 per cent .

The ratio of working population to total working age population in South Kalimantan in August 2013 amounted to 66.46 per cent . Decreased by 1.69 percent compared to the August 2012 of 68.16 percent .

Unemployment rate ( TPT ) in South Kalimantan in August 2013 of 3.79 percent . This figure has decreased by 1.46 percent compared to TPT of 5.25 percent in August 2012 .

Many sectors to absorb labor in South Kalimantan is agriculture ( 40.22 per cent ) , trade ( 21.50 percent ) and services sector ( 14.99 percent ) .

Residents who work in the formal sector by 36.72 per cent , instead of people working in the informal sector by 63.28 per cent .

Workers with the status of laborers / employees is 33.40 percent and the working status of workers assisted by permanent workers / laborers are paid by 3.32 percent . Working population with the status of his own attempt at 21.27 percent, the state attempted assisted by temporary workers / unpaid worker was 16.75 percent and the status of self-employed and family workers was 25.26 percent .

Highest LFPR at Balangan Regency at 76.90 percent and the lowest LFPR is Banjarbaru and Banjarmasin city is 60.94 percent and 62.75 percent .

Highest TPT by Regency / City in the province of South Kalimantan is Tanah Bumbu ( 7.32 percent ) and Tapin district ( 5.43 percent ) . While Hulu Sungai Tengah is the region with the lowest TPT , amounting to 1.74 per cent .

East Kalimantan is a province in Kalimantan Regional TPT that has the highest , amounting to 7.08 per cent . Provinces with the lowest TPT is Central Kalimantan at 3.0
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