November 2013 Banjarmasin experienced inflation of 0.62 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanah Bumbu Regency

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November 2013 Banjarmasin experienced inflation of 0.62 percent

November 2013 Banjarmasin experienced inflation of 0.62 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 2, 2013
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In November 2013 the city of Banjarmasin experienced inflation of 0.62 percent . Of the 66 cities in Indonesia, there were 38 cities experienced inflation , while 28 other cities experiencing deflation . The highest inflation was in the town of Maumere by 1.54 percent and the lowest occurred in Sibolga by 0.03 percent , while the highest deflation occurred in Sorong by 1.29 percent and the lowest deflation occurred in the city of Bengkulu by 0.02 percent .

Banjarmasin Inflation occurs due to price increases shown by the increase in the index of foodstuff by 1.13 percent , processed food rose by 0.06 percent , housing, water , electricity , gas and fuel rose by 0.75 per cent , clothing rose by 0.34 per cent , the health group rose by 0.29 percent, education , sports rekreasidan rose by 0.03 per cent , transport, communications , and financial services rose by 0.71 per cent .

Ten primary commodities that drive the fish infalsi is cork , household fuel , air freight , red onion , electricity , rice , mackerel / bloat , cigarette filters , Muslim clothing , beef .

Ten major commodities deflation is holding chicken meat , eggs , sugar , gold jewelry , pomfret fish , bananas , garlic , papaya , cooking oil , orange .

According to its components , the goods whose prices are influenced by government policy ( administered goods inflation) generally experienced inflation of 1.00 percent , prices volatile ( volatile goods inflation) deflation of 1.04 percent and a core component (core inflation ) inflation by 0.29 percent .

Inflation in the calendar year (January - November ) in 2013 amounted to 5.68 percent , while the rate of inflation " year on year " ( November 2013 to November 2012 ) of 6.58 percent .
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