Exports of South Kalimantan in October 2013 reached U.S. $ 595.60 million, down 0.43 percent compared to September 2013 exports - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanah Bumbu Regency

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Exports of South Kalimantan in October 2013 reached U.S. $ 595.60 million, down 0.43 percent compared to September 2013 exports

Exports of South Kalimantan in October 2013 reached U.S. $ 595.60 million, down 0.43 percent compared to September 2013 exportsDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 2, 2013
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he value of exports of South Kalimantan October 2013 reached U.S. $ 595.60 million , down 0.43 percent compared to September 2013 exports reached U.S. $ 598.18 million and down 17.83 percent compared with October 2012 the export value of U.S. $ 724 , 85 million .


The main contributor to the largest export commodity in South Kalimantan October 2013 based on the Harmonized System code ( HS ) 2 digits are mineral fuels ( HS 27 ) with a value of U.S. $ 500.81 million , followed by fats and oils of animal / vegetable ( HS 15 ) with value of U.S. $ 49.73 million and the group Ores , slag and ash metals ( HS 26 ) with a value of U.S. $ 20.61 million .


The main countries of export destination South Kalimantan October 2013 was to China with U.S. $ 171.85 million , Japan with U.S. $ 114.89 million and India with a value of U.S. $ 108.18 million .


The value of imports of South Kalimantan in October 2013 for U.S. $ 192.61 million , down 16.36 per cent when compared with the value of imports in September 2013 , which reached U.S. $ 230.29 million , while the value of imports compared to October 2012 fell by 17 , 98 percent when it was valued at U.S. $ 234.85 million .


The main import commodities largest South Kalimantan October 2013 based on the Harmonized System code ( HS ) 2 digits consist of mineral fuels ( HS 27 ) with a value of U.S. $ 184.42 million , fertilizer group ( HS 31 ) with a value of U.S. $ 2.88 million and group of organic chemicals ( HS 29 ) with a value of U.S. $ 1.36 million .


The main supplier countries of South Kalimantan imports in October 2013 were Singapore with U.S. $ 114.60 million , Malaysia with a value of U.S. $ 71.33 million and China with U.S. $ 4.00 million .


Import export trade balance in South Kalimantan October 2013 a surplus of U.S. $ 402.99 million .
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