TPK STAR OF DECEMBER 2014 47.92 percent, down 5.21 POINTS - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanah Bumbu Regency

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TPK STAR OF DECEMBER 2014 47.92 percent, down 5.21 POINTS

TPK STAR OF DECEMBER 2014 47.92 percent, down 5.21 POINTSDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 2, 2015
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Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in South Kalimantan in December 2014 at 47.92 percent, down 5.21 points compared to the ROR in November 2014 which reached 53.13 percent. Compared with December 2013, which reached 53.78 percent, a decline of 5.86 points TPK.

TPK non-star hotel in December 2014 to reach 38.78 percent, up 3.26 points compared to the ROR in November 2014 which reached 35.52 percent, and rose 1.33 points compared to the ROR in December 2013 which only reached 37.45 percent.

The average length of stay (RTLM) foreign and domestic guests (domestic) in the month of December 2014 five-star hotel is 1.59 nights, down 0.15 night compared to the situation in November 2014 reached 1.74 nights. Compared to the same period of the previous year in December 2013, which reached 1.66 nights, a decline that is for 0.07 nights.

The average length of stay (RTLM) foreign and domestic guests (domestic) in the non-star hotel in December 2014, an increase of 1.49 night to 0.07 nights compared to the situation in November 2014 reached 1.42 nights. Compared to the same period the previous year (December 2013), which reached 1.40 nights, an increase over the 0.09 nights.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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