Indeks Tendensi Konsumen (ITK) Kalimantan Selatan pada triwulan I-201 8 sebesar 105,68 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanah Bumbu Regency

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Indeks Tendensi Konsumen (ITK) Kalimantan Selatan pada triwulan I-201 8 sebesar 105,68

Indeks Tendensi Konsumen (ITK) Kalimantan Selatan pada triwulan I-201 8 sebesar 105,68Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 22, 2018
File Size : 0.12 MB


• The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) is an indicator of recent economic development (STK). ITK is a household index with consumer economic conditions abbreviated quarterly on a panel basis.
• STK respondents are a subsample of the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) specifically in urban areas. Sampling is done quarterly between sessions to obtain more accurate information about consumer perceptions over time. The number of samples of STK in South Kalimantan Province quarter I-2018 is 280 households.
• The South Kalimantan Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) in the first quarter of 2018 was 105.68. This is done by consumers who think that the economy in the first quarter of 2018 is better than the previous quarter.
• The level of consumer optimism in South Kalimantan in quarter I-2018 also increased compared to the fourth quarter-2017 (ITK value in quarter I-2018 amounted to 105.68 higher than ITK Quarter IV-2017 showing ITK of 101.32).
• South Kalimantan's ITK value of Quarter II-201 8 is estimated at 1 17.62. This means that consumers think that economic conditions in the second quarter-201 8 is better than the first quarter-2018.
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