Kalimantan Selatan experienced inflation of 0.03 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanah Bumbu Regency

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Kalimantan Selatan experienced inflation of 0.03 percent

Kalimantan Selatan experienced inflation of 0.03 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 4, 2018
File Size : 0.72 MB


• In August 2018, there was an inflation of 0.11 percent in the city of Banjarmasin. The calendar inflation rate in 2018 (August 2018 against December 2017) is 1.67 percent and the inflation rate "year on year" is 2.19 percent. Commodities that experienced price increases with the highest share of inflation in the city of Banjarmasin included parking fares, motorbikes, bloated / bloated fish, noodles, catfish.
• In Tanjung City, in August 2018 there was a deflation of 1.09 percent. The calendar inflation rate for 2018 (August 2018 against December 2017) was inflation of 2.23 percent and inflation rate of "year on year" was 2.86 percent. Commodities that experienced price declines with the highest deflationary share in Tanjung City included: long beans, broiler meat, sweet corn, cayenne pepper, rice.
• Out of 82 cities that calculated the consumer price index, 30 cities experienced inflation, the highest inflation in Tarakan city was 0.62 percent, and the lowest in Padangsidimpuan city was 0.01 percent, and 52 cities experienced deflation, the highest deflation in Bau-Bau city at 2.49 percent, the lowest in the city of Jember was 0.01 percent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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