he poor South Kalimantan Province in March 2013 reached 181 739 people (4.77 percent) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanah Bumbu Regency

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he poor South Kalimantan Province in March 2013 reached 181 739 people (4.77 percent)

he poor South Kalimantan Province in March 2013 reached 181 739 people (4.77 percent)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 1, 2013
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The poor South Kalimantan Province in March 2013 reached 181 739 people (4.77 percent), decreased 7,475 persons (3.95 percent) compared to the number of poor people in September 2012 that amounted to 189 214 people (5.01 percent).


During the period September 2012 - March 2013, the number of poor in urban areas decreased by 4,491 people (of 56.539orang September 2012 to 52 048 people in March 2013), while in rural areas decreased by 2,984 people (132 675 people from September 2012 to 129 691 people in March 2013).


Percentage of poor people in urban areas in September 2012 of 3.56 percent, dropping to 3.25 percent in March 2013. Demikianjugadenganpersentase poor people in rural areas mengalamipenurunan, yaitudari 6.07 percent in September 2012 to 5.88 percent in March 2013.


The role of food commodities to the poverty line is much greater than the role of non-food commodities (housing, clothing, education, and health). In March 2013, the contribution of Food Poverty Line (FPL) to the Poverty Line (RM) of 71.68 percent, not much different denganSeptember 2012, which amounted to 71.59 per cent


In the period September 2012 - March 2013, Poverty Gap Index (P1) and Poverty Severity Index (P2) in both urban and rural areas has decreased.
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