Kalimantan Selatan exports in May 2019 rose 3.11 percent and imports fell 27.10 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tanah Bumbu Regency

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Kalimantan Selatan exports in May 2019 rose 3.11 percent and imports fell 27.10 percent

Kalimantan Selatan exports in May 2019 rose 3.11 percent and imports fell 27.10 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 26, 2019
File Size : 1 MB


• The export value through ports in Kalimantan Selatan in May 2019 reached US $ 690.55 million, up 3.11 percent compared to exports in April 2019 which reached US $ 669.70 million and up 0.26 percent compared to the export value in May 2018 reached US $ 688.74 million. The group of commodity commodities based on HS 2 digits which are most exported are mineral fuels (HS 27) of US $ 623.75 million and the largest export destination country is China with a value of US $ 242.05 million.
• The import value of Kalimantan Selatan in May 2019 was US $ 91.05 million or decreased by 27.10 percent compared to imports in April 2019 which reached US $ 124.90 million. Whereas when compared to the import value in May 2018, the value fell by 49.91 percent, which at that time reached US $ 181.76 million. The commodity commodities based on HS 2 digits which were most imported were mineral fuels (HS 27) of US $ 62.56 million and import origin countries with the largest value being Singapore at US $ 38.28 million.
• Kalimantan Selatan export and import trade balance in May 2019 was a surplus of US $ 599.50 million. Greater than South Kalimantan's export and import trade balance last month which was a surplus of US $ 544.80 million.
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